Finding A Better Pair of Contact Lenses

  • Spotting Possible Vision Issues In Your Little One

    8 August 2018

    Generally, your child's doctor will give them a physical exam as they develop and look at them when they come in with colds or other concerns. When it comes to their eyes, the doctor will look for very obvious issues, but there is a chance that they aren't going to catch a number of vision issues that would be something for a pediatric ophthalmologist to diagnose. You can learn about some of the signs that your infant or toddler may be having issues with their vision by learning about some of the signs here:

  • A Brief Glossary Of Problems Your Eye Exam Will Check For

    7 March 2018

    Your optometrist checks your eyes for many problems — both vision difficulties and physical ailments — during an eye exam. To help you become a more active participant in your own eye health, here's a glossary of a few things he or she will look for.  Amblyopia. Amblyopia is more commonly called lazy eye, and it appears when one eye doesn't focus clearly along with the other eye. Amblyopia can be easy to see or more subtle, and it tends to appear in children but can also occur in adulthood as a result of long-term lack of vision correction.